Here is a poem written for and about me by my all time favourite class... You'll be able to see that they return the sentiment:

J - Jennifer is good teacher.
E - English Teacher is good.
N - No, she isn't
N - No, No, No
I - I think she is not so good teacher
F - Fox like her (???)
E - Ehhhhhh..(this is not, as you might think, a reference to my Canadian-ness... rather, it should be read more as a wretch)
R - Robin Hood wants to marry with her. (again - ???)
The Proud Poet Himself... and not too modest to take full credit for his work

As I already mentioned, this is my favourite class... ever. EVER. First of all, they're all soooo smart. And they're young... so this means that they talk, and they're completely uninhibited in what they say, which is refreshing. Also, they're hilarious. So, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't a little bit disappointed when 'Teacher's Day' rolled around this past Monday and I didn't even recieve so much as a 'happy teacher's day' greeting from them.
However, today, waking to my class room I noticed that all my lights were out. This is not an unusual occurence. For some reason, classes never stop thinking it's funny to 'surprise' you by quickly turning on the lights and jumping out from behind their desks.
As I opened the door, ready to feign shock at their cunning ability to conceal themselves from me, I was greated by the explosion of pary poppers and a great big 'SURPRISE!!!'. As the lights came on I noticed my white board covered in balloons, framing a large 'THANK YOU TEACHER'.
As if that wasn't enough, they proceeded to present me with a heap of my favourite chocolate bars. I was completely speechless... and on the verge of tears. It was amazing. They're amazing. So, today i liked being a teacher... mainly because there were gifts involved. Just Joking.
"sport milky" sure is a talented poet! jenn i love all of your posts, they amuse me like nothing else on the internet can. keep em coming.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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