Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Free Hugs

... are sweeping the globe

The Video

including South Korea

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Seoul Collection

Some pictures from my elitist socialite lifestyle as I attend my very first fashion show in Seoul (By "elitist" I mean that any bum off the street can pay $8 for a ticket). But it still rocked my face, and I still consider myself to be some what superior to all of you Non-Fashion show attenders.

Also, since the turn over rate is so high over here and many of my friends are long gone, this is my only means of getting any sort of affection these days.
(that's me on the left - lonely creature that I am)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Another Year, Another Peppero Day

The charm of Korea is beginning to wear off on me 13 and a half months later. Today I had a shopping list of mint leaves, honey, and salt. I came home empty handed. I'm looking forward to a north american grocery store more than I ever thought I would.
5 weeks and counting before my South East Asian adventure begins. Today I received approximately 1 000 needles in my upper arms in order to prep and and defend me against any sickness that even thinks about rearing its ugly little head in my direction. It has also been a good 6 weeks since I've purchased any sort of panda paraphernalia.
In other news Andreas has just moved to his training camp in Kansas. I miss him severely. He'll be there until February when he leaves for Iraq. Please keep him in your prayers.

This blog is getting soooo boring.