March 22 to 28
Although my time in Bangkok wasn't spent sight seeing, I had a fantastic time and really love the city. I ended up focusing on two activites much more dear to my heart then visiting temples and palaces: 1.) Eating 2.) Shopping, both made all the more pleasurable as I was able to scoure the cities markets and restaurants with my friend Liz.
However, we did manage to spice up our visit a little with a trip to the Tiger Temple, and get a small dose of culture by seeing a traditional Thai puppet theater.
Thanks to Liz and here sister Sonya's incredible hospitality I was able to take a break from the hectic pace of backpacking and enjoy my week in Bangkok relaxing in Sonya's beautiful apartment, eating the best food (as only locals know how to choose).
Last night Liz and I took the night sleeper train (suprisingly comfortable for those of you who have never tried) to Liz's home town, Chiang Mai to stay with her family. Here we'll probably hang out with some elephants and do some treking, and while Liz is busy making the world better at work, I've enrolled myself in some Thai cooking classes. Something to look forward to for those of you who might be lucky enough to recieve a dinner invitation from me when I'm finally home!
Liz and I - Guess which one's Thai

Dinner at "Cabbage and Condoms"

Tiger Temple:
Oh... they're real all right
I was able to calm him with a wink and a smile
At the puppet theater

Night train to Chiang Mai

Dinner at "Cabbage and Condoms"
Tiger Temple:
Oh... they're real all right
Night train to Chiang Mai